Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blame It On The Dog

So, my poor little Coco has been so neglected! I had not taken her to the "beauty parlor" in forever and her hair was out of control! I had been postponing taking her because it runs between $65-$75!! I mean, seriously, she is 6.5 pounds!! No way it should cost that much! But, since I'm not from around here, I wasn't sure where to take her so I just took her to PetSmart the first time I had her groomed. Well, of course, she looked so good I was afraid that nobody else could replicate that and just kept taking her back to PS (I'm an idiot, I know). Thankfully, Cooper's mom told me about a great locally owned place that her co-worker uses for her little yorkies. Took my little Cokie there this mornin, she looks GREAT, AND only $38....for everything!!! My kinda deal!!
How beautiful is she?? 
Everyday when I come home from anywhere, as soon as I open the front door, my little Cokes is there waiting for me. She just jumps with joy and is always so excited to see me! So, when she is at the doggy spa, I almost can't stand coming home. It really is just so depressing! And, the only logical solution, to me, is to go shopping! I mean, I had to do something with all that money I saved on her grooming! haha 
So, of course, I couldn't resist! And I got the cutest Nine West hat at Macy's!! (I had a coupon AND it was on sale, how was I supposed to say no!?) I still feel a little bit guilty about it but... I say.... 
It's Coco's fault!! : )

How cute is that hat?? 

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